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Sutton Education Trust Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

To Excellence and Beyond

Our Learning/ Curriculum

Curriculum Overview



At Muschamp Primary School, we have created a culture based around seven Powers: curiosity, creativity, responsibility, belonging, perseverance, self-belief and respect.  These Powers thread through all our learning opportunities and help us to build learners who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.


The curriculum we have chosen for our Muschampions is ambitious, broad, balanced and diverse.  Our curriculum is well structured and sequenced to cover all aspects of the National Curriculum and is enhanced with memorable experiences, opportunities to see and hear from experts within the area of study, the freedom to be creative, collaborative and motivated to enable all learners to be ready to make a positive contribution to their future world.  We provide opportunities for residential visit, extra-curricular clubs, competitions, music festivals and fundraising endeavours.  Our children will be inspired to understand the skills and knowledge needed to learn like a scientist, an artist, a musician etc. 



Subject-specific teaching and learning is designed in a way to ensure coverage and progression in all curriculum areas.  PSHE lies at the heart of the curriculum we deliver, to closely meet the needs of our children, and develop strong learning behaviours, which are essential in order for children to be equipped to be successful in life.


Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review of learning. All subject leaders receive training and the opportunity to keep developing their own subject knowledge, skills and understanding, so they can support curriculum development and their colleagues throughout the school.


Each subject area has an action plan, which outlines development opportunities and clearly links with the school development plans.  We regularly review the curriculum to help reflect and represent the diversity of our pupils and wider community.


A dialogic approach is used to help children process their thinking about learning. ‘Thinking Out Loud’ strategies are taught and used by teachers during modelling to demonstrate thinking processes; children are taught how to use the strategies when sharing views in whole class discussions and when discussing learning with their peers. Learning Partners are regularly used in all lessons, encouraging collaboration and communication.


Central to our curriculum design is the delivery of well thought-out quality first teaching and learning. Learning Journeys are created for each unit to ensure that learning is sequenced and that children build knowledge and skills over time – within the year group curriculum, whilst building on, and making connections with, prior knowledge from other years in school. KWL (what we Know, what we Want to know, what we have Learnt) sheets are created with the children to activate prior knowledge, generate questions about new learning and to monitor progress over time.


We believe that a good understanding of a wide range of vocabulary supports success across the whole national curriculum. Therefore, regular opportunities are planned for children to be taught new vocabulary in all areas of the curriculum.


Learning walls and the classroom environment play an important role in supporting learning. These areas are planned to support and scaffold independent learning, through the display of modelled examples, prior learning and learning resources, as well as to celebrate children’s learning.



The impact of the curriculum is monitored through triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents.


We will ensure our children have a range of core skills and knowledge that will equip them for their next steps in education and enable them, within an ever changing world, to always go ‘To Excellence and Beyond’. 

Curriculum Policy

Our teaching and learning Strategies

If you would like more information about the curriculum your child is learning please ask your child's class teacher. 

Years 1 -6 Learning