Sutton Education Trust
Muschamp Primary School is proud to be part of the Sutton Education Trust; local primary schools working together to get the best possible outcomes for our pupils and their families.
The Sutton Education Trust was set up on 1st February 2017. The Trust comprises of the following schools in the London Borough of Sutton: Beddington Infants’ school, Culvers House Primary School, Dorchester Primary School, Foresters Primary School, High View Primary School, Muschamp Primary School, Nonsuch Primary School and Sherwood Park Schools.
The Sutton Education Trust is a Co-operative Trust which means that stakeholders, be they pupils, staff, parents/ carers, governors are full members and contribute in many ways. People who work and live locally, family members of our children as well as past pupils themselves can also join the Trust. There are also opportunities for other groups or bodies such as other schools and educational establishments to join the Trust. The Co-operative Trust school model means, that in a very real sense, schools will be increasingly owned mutually by their parents, pupils and staff plus their wider communities. All the schools currently involved made the decision to become the founding members of the Sutton Education Trust (SET) because it gives them the opportunity to collaborate and learn from each other while protecting the individual nature of each of the schools.