At Muschamp Primary School we are committed to providing a full educational experience for all pupils. We believe that, if pupils are to benefit from education, regular attendance is vital. The government defines good attendance as at least 96% as it has been proven that children with this level of attendance are higher achievers. Regular and punctual attendance ensures that your child settles well, is happy at school and able to take advantage of all that Muschamp has to offer.
Illness: Although we encourage full attendance we do not want children to come into school if they are unwell. It is not good for the child, their classmates or staff, particularly if your child has something contagious. If your child is absent due to sickness you must let the school know by 9.30am. You can do this by completing the online form on dojo, texting or calling the absence line. For ongoing illness you may be asked for medical evidence e.g. letter from a doctor.
Appointments: Wherever possible we would ask all routine doctors, dental etc. appointments to be made outside of school hours. However should an appointment be necessary during the school day we would encourage appointments to be made for the start or end of the school day. School can be advised of the appointment by using the online form on dojo or notifying the office a few days before the appointment. Upon return to school a form of medical evidence should be produced e.g. appointment card, letter, or sight of prescribed medication.
Lateness: The pedestrian gate opens at 8:30am for Nursery children. At 8:40am both the main gate and the ball court gate nearest Green Wrythe Lane will be open for entry to children with surnames A-I. At 8:50am children with surnames J-Z may come into school. Both the gates close at 9:05am and registers close at 9:10am. Anyone arriving after 9:05am must enter via the school office and a parent must sign then in.
Persistent Lateness/ Absence : When a child/ren have been identified as having persistent lateness or absence we will inform parents/carers of our concerns. In the first instance a letter from the Attendance Officer informing you of your child's attendance. We will endeavor to help support you to improve lateness or absence. We will then monitor, expecting to see an improvement.
If this continues to cause concern we will then ask our EWO (Education Welfare Officer) to help support you. The purpose of this will be to address and resolve issues that are impacting on the child/ren's lateness/ absence.
Our EWO (Education Welfare Office) works in school one day a week, every week. They monitors registers, lateness and persistent absence. She discusses concerns with school staff and may have telephone calls with parents. Sometimes she will conduct a home visit to discuss concerns.
Holidays: You do not have the automatic right to withdraw your child from school for a family holiday. By law, you have to apply in advance for any absence, this should be done by completing the Consecutive Absence Form and agreeing to the appendix notes found on dojo.
“Amendments to the 2006 regulations remove references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days. The amendments make clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.”
DfE -
Fixed Penalty Notices: Although we will help any family to improve attendance and punctuality, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure their child attends school regularly and on time. If unauthorised absence and persistent lateness gives cause for concern the Local Authority may issue a Penalty Notice. The Penalty Notice of £160 (or £80 if paid within 21 days) is issued to each parent for each child taken out of school. Failure to pay the penalty in full may result in prosecution by the Local Authority.
Please click on the link below for further information.
Penalty Notice Advice for Parents – Cognus