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Sutton Education Trust Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

To Excellence and Beyond

Our Governors

Our School Governing Body


Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school.  They are members of the school team and their contribution to running the school is highly valued.


The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its functions are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school,
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives,
  • Set targets for achieving those aims and objectives,
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives,
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend).


Name: Jenny Sims

Category: LA

Position: Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Governor

Dated Appointed: 20/02/2010

Appointed by: FGB

Term of Office From:  20/02/2018

Term of Office To: 19/02/2026

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Advanced Practitioner Richmond and HIllcroft College

Governance roles in other institutions: Chair of Governors Southmead School, Wandsworth

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024 : 6/6


Name: Carole Parnell

Category:  Foundation

Position: FGB Vice Chair,  Health and Safety, Deputy Safeguarding

Dated Appointed:  14.03.2012

Appointed by: FGB

Term of Office From:   25/1/24

Term of Office To: 24/1/28

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other institutions: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 6/6


Name: Lesley Townsend

Category:  Co-opted

Position: FGB, English Link, GDPR

Dated Appointed:  December 2015

Appointed by: Parent Vote

Term of Office From: 12/3/24

Term of Office To: 24/1/28

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other institutions: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 5/6


Name:Karina Andrusiak

Category:  Parent 

Position: FGB

Dated Appointed:  4/3/24

Appointed by: Parent vote

Term of Office From: 4/3/24

Term of Office To: 3/3/28

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other institutions:  None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 3/3



                                                      Name: Sarah Adams

Category:  Parent
FGB, MHWB link governor
Dated Appointed:  May 2022
Appointed by: Parent vote
Term of Office From: 03/05/2022
Term of Office To: 02/05/2026
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other institutions: None
Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school
Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 3/6 


                                                          Name: Louise Phillips

Category:  Staff

Position: FGB

Dated Appointed:  1.9.23

Appointed by: Staff vote

Term of Office From: 1.9.23

Term of Office To: 31.8.27

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Employee at Muschamp

Governance roles in other institutions:  None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 6/6 

                                                   Name: Ioana Stefu
Category:  Parent
Position: FGB
Dated Appointed:  October 2021
Appointed by: Parent vote
Term of Office From: 01/10/2021
Term of Office To: 30/09/2025
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other institutions: None
Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school
Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 4/6



Name: Julie Tancredi 
Category:  Parent
Position: FGB
Dated Appointed:  17/10/24
Appointed by: Parent vote
Term of Office From: 17/10/24
Term of Office To: 16/10/28
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other institutions: None
Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school
Meetings attended in academic year 2024-2025






Name: Kelly Bridges

Category:  Parent

Position: FGB, Resources Committee, Pupil Premium

Dated Appointed:  31/10/2018

Appointed by: Parent vote

Term of Office From: 31/10/2018

Term of Office To: 30/10/2022 Resigned: June 2020

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other institutions: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in academic year 2020-2021: 4/6



Name: Deborah Fernandes

Category:  Parent

Position: FGB, Curriculum Standards and Assessment Committee, Inclusion/SEND

Dated Appointed:  December 2015

Appointed by: Parent vote

Term of Office From: December 2015

Term of Office To: December 2019

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: SEN Case Officer/ EHCP Coordinator for Cognus, Denmark Road SM5 2JG (Paid)  

Governance roles in other institutions: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year:  5


Name: Mark Gill

Category:  Parent

Position: FGB

Dated Appointed:  24.02.2020

Appointed by: Parent Vote

Term of Office From: 24/02/20

Term of Office To: 23/02/24

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other institutions:

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: 

Meetings attended in academic year 2020-2021: 1/6




Name: Andrea D

Category:  Co-opted

Position: FGB

Dated Appointed:  14.11. 2019

Appointed by: FGB

Term of Office From: 14.11. 2019

Term of Office To: 14.11. 2023

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other institutions: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff:  None

Meetings attended in academic year 2022-2023: 2/4 (resigned)



Name: Sarah Hamilton

Category:  Staff

Position: FGB

Dated Appointed:  24/09/2019

Appointed by: Staff vote

Term of Office From: 24/09/2019

Term of Office To: 23/09/2023

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Employee at Muschamp

Governance roles in other institutions:  None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: None

Meetings attended in academic year 2022-2023: 5/6 (resigned)              



Name: Daniel Celino

Category:  Co opted

Position: FGB, Training

Dated Appointed:  October 2017

Appointed by: Parent vote

Term of Office From: 20/10/ 2017

Term of Office To:  4/7/24

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Advise DfE on procurement strategies.

Governance roles in other institutions:  Member of Cirrus Trust Board.

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school staff: Husband of school teacher at Muschamp.

Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 5/6 




Name: Daljeet De Pontes
Category:  Parent
Position: FGB,
Dated Appointed:  July 2022
Appointed by: Parent vote
Term of Office From: 07/07/2022
Term of Office To: 06/07/2026
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other institutions: None
Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and school
Meetings attended in academic year 2023-2024: 4/6 


Muschamp Primary School Governor Diversity 











18 - 40 

41- 60

61 +







White British

Any other white 


Black Caribbean or African