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Sutton Education Trust Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

To Excellence and Beyond

Values and Powers

Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

At Muschamp Primary School we believe all children are entitled to develop to their fullest potential - academically, socially, emotionally, physically, morally, spiritually and aesthetically, enabling each child to grow in confidence, and able to participate in the wider community.


The following aims act in support of our ethos:


  • The curriculum should be broad, balanced, coherent and relevant. Staff have high expectations of pupils and the children are always encouraged to work to the fullest extent of their capabilities in all aspects of the curriculum.
  • The school and its governors are strongly committed to ensuring the physical and mental health of all pupils. In support of this commitment the school will encourage pupils to maintain a healthy lifestyle, taking exercise and having a healthy diet. We support these aims by providing a variety of curricular and extra curricular activities, which provide both breadth of experience and opportunities for personal/social development.
  • An important emphasis is placed upon the child’s personal development. Self-discipline, self-esteem and self-motivation are encouraged. Pupils’ should be prepared to play an active role both in the school and wider community by developing sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others regardless of differences.
  • The school will have a warm and friendly atmosphere for all who work within it and for visitors. We will work to provide an environment in which children will feel both secure and happy, enabling them to develop effectively. We will value each child as an individual enabling them to develop a positive self -image. We aim to encourage self -discipline and respect for others.
  • To help pupils develop personal, spiritual and moral values, an understanding of religious and beliefs, a tolerance for others and their ways of life.
  • To promote equal opportunities for all children.
  • We aim to raise achievement through active independent learning and the vital support of parents.


British Values

In accordance with the Department for Education guidance we aim to actively promote British Values in school to ensure children leave the school prepared for life in modern Britain.  Children are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ all people living in England are subject to its laws.

The Key Values are:

  • democracy,
  • rule of law,
  • individual liberty,
  • mutual respect,
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


Our Powers!

Every child has a Powers Book which stays with them throughout their time here at Muschamp. Each year the children take part in workshop, events and experiences to enhance these powers. They record their fun and achievements in the book. 

Some of the Powers events the children have experienced are;


  • Wipe out and climbing wall challenges
  • The farm coming to school 
  • Crazy golf
  • Visiting a theatre for Christmas
  • Skateboard workshops
  • Zorbing
  • Creation station 
  • Trampoline challenges
  • Circus skills 
  • Cooking workshops
  • Team building picnic in the park days 
  • Becoming a graffiti artist!


Just to name a few!