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Sutton Education Trust Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

Muschamp Primary School and Language Opportunity Base

To Excellence and Beyond


Muschampions explore the religions of the world and their impacts on communities, culture and architecture.  Children learn the similarities and differences within and across religions, understand key knowledge and build an ever increasing understanding of religious beliefs.  Children develop the ability to talk about beliefs in a respectful and sensitive way.  Through visits and visitors children hear and see key elements of different religions.


  • Broaden children’s outlooks beyond their home experiences
  • Develop knowledge of the religions of the world, recognising similarities and differences 
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of differences, equality and tolerance


At Muschamp our aim is to inspire and engage all pupils to learn about religious and non-religious worldviews, so that they can understand the multi-cultural and multi-faith society we live in today and broaden their outlooks beyond their home experiences. Pupils are encouraged to explore, reflect and have the confidence to express their own personal values and experiences. Learners have the opportunity to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. Pupils can acknowledge the way that religious beliefs shape life and behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 



Our RE curriculum offers a broad and rich coverage of the key areas prescribed in the Sutton Areed Syllabus for Religious Education; to allow for a variety of ways to explore religions, their community and personal development and wellbeing. 

The following religions and worldviews have been selected to study: 

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Humanism 

The structure of the curriculum enables all pupils to have the opportunity to enquire, investigate, interpret and reflect, on all the key themes within RE, these include: Sacred texts, Key People, Festivals, Places and Approaches to life.  Our RE education offers pupils the opportunities to consider and discuss the similarities and differences of ideas and beliefs across all religions.
Pupils are consistently given the opportunity to review prior learning and make meaningful links across the subject and other curriculum areas. We engage pupils through the use of religious artefacts, texts, visitors and visits to local places of worship making the most of pupil’s natural curiosity about their world and local community. At Muschamp we value the religious background of all members of the school community and hope that this will encourage individuals to share their own experiences with others freely. All religions and their communities are treated with respect and sensitivity and we value the links, which are, and can be made between home, school, and a faith community.



Through their R.E. learning, pupils will be able to: 

  • Learn about and respect religious beliefs and why people choose, or choose not to follow a religion
  • Develop an understanding of other people’s cultures and ways of life
  • Make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world 
  • Appreciate and explore their own, and others’, beliefs and values to help build on their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as individuals 
  • Develop a religious vocabulary and skills to question, debate and empathise varying viewpoints
  • Reflect on questions of meaning, offering their own thoughtful and informed insights into religious and secular world-views